

Jayson Westley

I want to help and encourage everyone to move freely and confidently. The ability to move throughout the hips, shoulders, and thoracic spine without restriction will lead to a more active life with less injuries and nagging pains so many people suffer from. We should be in control of our bodies. Meaning we can jump, push, pull, run, hang, climb, and throw. With our bodies. I don’t care if you can squat 400 lbs. if you can’t hold your body at the top of a pushup with one arm. Or you can’t do a side plank. Or a body weight lunge. We need to have sufficient body strength and core stability so that we are able to live meaningful lives with our loved ones.

As these core focuses are developed, we’re working on reaching specific strength, cardiovascular, and life goals..

I have and will continue to add certifications to my resume. This knowledge enables me to pull from a wide breadth of different training types enabling my people to reach their stated fitness goals, Whether it be living pain free, look amazing naked, better their golf swing, or crush a race.

What makes my day? Seeing clients do things they never even thought possible. Like they are their own hero. Hearing, “I feel the best I ever have.” And watching clothes sizes decrease, strength and endurance increase, and confidence the highest it’s ever been. Every. Damn. Day.

If you’re willing to work, we will get you to your goals.

I believe everyone should be able to move freely and confidently. We should be able to move our hips, shoulders, and thoracic spine without restriction to decrease chances of nagging pains so many humans suffer from.

We should be able to jump, push and pull up our own body weight. We should also have sufficient core stability so that we are able to live active lives with our loved ones.

As these core focuses are being realized, we’re working on reaching specific strength, cardiovascular, and life goals.

I have and will continue to add certifications to my resume. This knowledge enables me to pull from a wide breadth of types of training that help people reach their stated fitness goals, whether it be living pain free, look amazing naked, better their golf swing, or crush a marathon.

My passion lies in seeing my clients do things they never even thought possible. My competition is the person you were when you felt the best you’ve ever felt up to that point. I want you your clothes sizes to decrease, your strength to increase, and your confidence to be the highest it ever has.

If you’re willing to work with me, we will get you to your goals.


Published Article:

What I Learned From Climbing Mt. Rainier

It all started at a birthday party when a buddy of mine, Matt Fallon, and I were catching up on life. We’re both a little bit on the crazy side in that we like to do marathons, triathlons, and anything else that will push us or challenge us. He had done a full triathlon since the last time I saw him, which I have not, and I was flattered when he said, “You could do it, dude.